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Managers can schedule one-to-ones with their reportees to track performance goals. Goals can be set for both the manager and the reportee incase they to work collectively to achieve something. After a goal has been completed, the manager or reportee can mark it as complete. When all the goals have been completed, the one-to-one session can be closed. 


For information about one-to-ones on the Fuse mobile app, see One-to-Ones (Mobile)

You cannot participate in multiple one-to-one sessions at the same time. You must end your current one-to-one session before starting a new one.

Starting a one-to-one

If you are a manager or a reportee you can start a one-to-one session.  

To start a one-to-one session:

  1. Expand the sidebar () and click One-to-Ones ().
    The One-to-Ones screen appears.
  2. Click Start new one-to-one.

    The New One-to-Ones session screen appears. 
  3. Select a user. 

    The one-to-one session starts. 
  4. In the Add a new note or goal field, enter the title of a goal, or enter a note.
  5. If you have created a goal, enter one or more commitments related to the goal. Commitments are smaller tasks that contribute to the overall goal.

    Goals and commitments can be assigned to a manager or a reportee. For example, a particular goal or commitment might only be applicable to the manager.

    To switch between a manager's and a reportee's goals:

    • Click the profile picture in the right-hand corner of a goal.

      The Goal screen appears.
    • Click the Switch icon. 
      Image RemovedImage Added
      The view switches to the other user. 
    • Enter one or more goals.
    • Click Done

  6. [Optional] To add an item of content as a commitment:

    • Click add content.  
      The Select content screen appears. 
    • Select an item of content, such as a video or article. 
    • Click Select.
      The content is added to the list of commitments. 
  7. [Optional] In the Add tags field, enter one or more tags. 

  8. Click Done

  9. [Optional] To attach related items of content to the one-to-one, such as articles or videos: 
    1. Click Attach content.
      The Select content screen appears. 
    2. Click Public or Evidence Portfolio
    3. Select an item content. 
    4. Click Select.
      The content is added.

      If necessary, you can post comments to the one-to-one. 

  10. To end the one-to-one session, click End one-to-one.

Scheduling a one-to-one

If you are a manager or a reportee you can schedule one-to-ones for a future date. 


The earliest you can start a scheduled one-to-one session, is 10 minutes prior the start date and time. 

To schedule a one-to one: 

  1. On the One-to-Ones screen, click Schedule a one-to-one

    The Schedule a one-to-one screen appears.
  2. Select a date and time for the one-to-one. 
  3. In the Where will it take place? field, enter a location. 
  4. In the Who is it with? section, select a user. 

The one-to-one is created and added to the Upcoming one-to-ones list. 


To download a scheduled one-to-one and add it to your calendar, click the calendar icon ().

Accessing a one-to-one

To access a one-to-one session you are currently participating in: 

Expand the sidebar () and click One-to-Ones ().

The one-to-one opens. 

You can mark a commitment as complete by selecting the checkbox to the left of the commitment. 

Viewing goals

You can view goals assigned to you in past one-to-one sessions.

To view a list of goals:

  1. On the One-to-Ones screen, click View all my goals

    The My Goals tab opens displaying a list of goals. 

To hide goals you have completed, deselect the Hide completed toggle. 
