Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


PersonThe name of a person. For example, John Smith
PersonTypeA person's job or role. For example, Admin
LocationLandmarks, structures, geographical features, and geopolitical entities. This might be a city, town or region. For example, London
OrganisationCompanies, political organisations, music groups, sports clubs, government, and public organisations. For example, ACME Ltd
EventHistorical, social, and naturally occurring

Cultural events, public holidays and sporting events. For example, Fire marshal training session

ProductPhysical objects. For example, CarThis could be product that a company produces, such as software or computing products
SkillA capability or a skill. 
AddressThe street address of a physical location, such as a house or office building. For example, 123 Carlton Avenue, London.
Phone number

A landline or mobile phone number. 


Only United States and European phone numbers are extracted.  

EmailAn email address. For example,


A  network IP address. 
URLA web address. For example,
DateTimeDates and times. This includes calendar dates, date and time ranges, times of day, durations, and set and repeated times. 
QuantityUnits This can be units of measurement and amounts. This includes percentages, ages, currency, temperatures, and dimensions

Query snapping

Fuse is able to examine your search query and apply filters where available, based on what you have entered in the search bar. This is called query snapping. 
