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The Trending widget displays a maximum of 5 items of trending content from:



For an item of content to appear at the top of the list, it must amass the highest number of engagements, meaning it has been viewed, liked, or commented on, more than any other item of content. 


If the background image for a PNG thumbnail is transparent or missing, Fuse automatically applies the company custom colour as the background, as shown below:

To prevent this from happening, you can convert the image to JPG or add a background to the PNG. This can be done locally on your computer or using an online programme such as:


To configure the Trending widget: 

  1. In the Admin Panel, click Design Studio
    Design Studio opens. 

  2. Click one of the following tabs:

    • Default homepage: Homepage viewable to users who do not have access to an audience-specific homepage

    • Audience Specific HomepageHomepage specific to certain roles, such as Sales and new starters

    • Default Manager Dashboard: Used to configure the default layout for the Manager/Reportee screen, viewable to all managers who do not have access to a manager-specific dashboard. 

    • Manager Specific Dashboard: Used to configure a manager-specific layout for the Manager/Reportee screen, based on custom profile fields.

    • Community SpecificHomepage for a specific community, such as the IT, Sales, or Marketing communities

    • User Dashboard: Default dashboard viewable to all non-manager users who do not have access to an audience-specific dashboard

  3. If you have clicked the Audience Specific HomepageManager Specific Dashboard or Community Specific tabs:

    1. From the Edit Layout for dropdown, select a layout. 

    2. Select either the default or custom layout. 

  4. On the Widgets menu, select Trending.

    Image RemovedImage Added

     The Trending widget appears on the layout grid. 

  5. [Optional] In the Widget title field, enter a custom title that will be displayed on the widget. 

    • If a custom title is not entered, the default Trending title is displayed.

    • Custom titles in widgets are not translated in the Fuse UI.

  6. [Optional] Click and drag the widget to a new position on the layout grid. 

    Other widgets on the layout grid adjust their positions accordingly.

  7. [Optional] Click and drag the square in the bottom-right corner to resize the widget.

    • The recommended width for this widget is 2-3 columns wide. 

    • It is not possible to change the height, as this widget is only able to display 5 items at a time.

    Other widgets on the layout grid adjust their positions accordingly.

  8. Click Publish.

    Image Added



To remove the widget from the layout grid, click the delete button.
