You can only upload CSV files when importing data - attempting to import other file formats will cause the import to fail.
It is recommended that you import a maximum of 500 rows of data per CSV file.
If there are errors with the headers of the file, such as a header is missing or incorrectly formatted, Fuse rejects the whole CSV file and an error is shown, as follows: .
If any of the rows in the CSV have incorrect or missing mandatory data, those particular rows won’t be imported and are shown in red. Only rows in the CSV with correct and complete data, shown in green, will be imported. For example, if one of the rows is missing some information related to Location, that row will be marked in red and won’t be imported: .
You may need to wait a while before the import completes, especially if there is a lot of data being imported. You can check the progress of an import by refreshing the page and then checking the number of rows that have been imported so far in the Progress section. Each time you refresh the page, the number of imported rows will increase. In the example below, the total number of rows being imported is 420 but so far only 153 have been completed.
When importing data for events and occurrences that don’t currently exist in Fuse, please be aware of the following:
If the information in the event_name column differs from the others in the CSV, a brand new event will be created with that title.
If the information in the starts_at, ends_at, or location column differs to others in the CSV, but the event_name remains the same as the others in the CSV, a new occurrence for the event will be created.
CSV headers
The CSV file must contain all the following header labels, even where the data is optional: