The Reporting
The Reporting (Beta) screen includes the ability to create filtered custom reports. Unlike quick reports, custom reports are configurable and filterablescreen allows you to create configurable and filterable custom reports. When creating a custom report, you can include or exclude certain types of data, such as organisation-specific custom profile fields, as well as apply filters to and refine the datareport using filters, which is ideal when you need to gather gathering data for very specific reasons.
Example: You might want to see user create a report with learning plan completion data for your organisation’s salespeople, people in your sales department who are based in a particular location, and then schedule it to be shared with the head of the Sales on a monthly basis so that they can keep track of the department's completions for important learning plans. To do this, you might could create a Users , schedule and share a custom learning plan report filtered in the following way:
Select You might filter by one or more existing sales-related communities, e.g., the Sales community.
If your organisation has a Department field, you might filter by a particular department, e.g., Sales.
If your organisation has a Job Title field, you might filter by a particular job title, e.g., Sales representative.
If your organisation has a Location field, you might filter by a particular location, e.g., London.
In future releases, we will also add the ability to:
Specify a date range so that the data included in the report is only from a particular time period.
Decide when the report is generated and how often, by setting a schedule (for example, creating it on a daily, monthly, or weekly basis).
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