The new Reporting screen, which is currently in beta, will eventually replace the legacy Reporting screen and will include a host of new and improved reports. The features and reports in this new screen will be rolled out in stages, across 6 consecutive releases.
This report contains a list of engagements for items of content in the selected community, including the engagement type (view, like, comment, share, follow or favourite) and the engagement date.
Column | Definition | Example |
Content id | The unique identifier of an item of content | 1 |
Content name | The name of an item of content | Items to sell |
Creation date (UTC) | The date on which the content item was created | 21/5/2021 00:00:00 |
Creator id | The unique identifier of the user who created the content | 2 |
Creator name | The name of the user who created the content | Jane Doe |
Creator's role | The role of the user who created the content available roles:
| site admin |
Updated date (UTC) | The last date the content was updated. | 21/5/2021 00:00:00 |
Community id | The unique identifier of the community where the content exists. If the item of content is in multiple communities, the unique identifier of each community is listed. | 2 |
Community name | The name of the community where the content exists. If the item of content is in multiple communities, the name of each community is listed. | Sales Community |
User id | The unique identifier of the user engaging with the content item | 1 |
Username | The username of the user. | johndoe |
User first name | The first name of the user engaging with the content | John |
User last name | The last name of the user engaging with the content | Doe |
User role | The role of the user engaging with the content Available roles:
| user |
Engagement date (UTC) | The date the user engaged with the content. | 21/5/2021 00:00:00 |
Engagement type | How the user engaged with the content Available engagement types:
| comment |
Comment text | If the user has posted a comment under the content, the text of the comment is displayed. | Thank you for sharing! |