The Reportees widget allows managers to see the learning plan progress for each of their reportees. 

The Reportees widget can be added to the Default homepageAudience Specific HomepageDefault Manager Dashboard, and Manager Specific Dashboard pages in Design Studio. 

The filter dropdown allows you to filter the progress displayed on the widget. You can show the progress of a specific reportee by selecting their name, or show the progress of all your reportees, by selecting the All reportees option. 

Clicking on the link for a particular learning plan, listed under a reportee, takes you to a screen where you can:

Configuring the Reportees widget

If you are a Fuse admin, you can add the widget to a page, as well as adjust the width, change the positioning, and select the default filter.

To configure the Reportees widget: 

  1. In the Admin dashboard, click Design Studio.
    Design Studio opens. 

  2. Click one of the following tabs:

  3. If you have clicked the Audience Specific HomepageManager Specific Dashboard or Community Specific tabs:

    1. From the Edit Layout for dropdown, select a layout. 

    2. Select Use custom layout

  4. On the Widgets menu, select Reportees.

     The Reportees widget appears on the layout grid. 

  5. [Optional] In the Widget title field, enter a custom title that will be displayed on the widget.

  6. [Optional] Click and drag the widget to a new position on the layout grid. 

    Other widgets on the layout grid adjust their positions accordingly.

  7. [Optional] Click and drag the square in the bottom-right corner to resize the widget. 

  8. Other widgets on the layout grid adjust their positions accordingly. 

  9. Click Publish

To remove the widget from the layout grid, click the delete button.