Engagement folder
Engagement folder
The following measures and attributes are found in the Engagement folder in the Data Catalogue:
Name | Type | Definition |
Avg Engagement Per User | Measure | The average number of views, likes, shares, comments, and follows per engaged user. |
Comments | Measure | The number of comments posted below an item of content. |
Engaged User (%) | Measure | The number of users that engage with content by commenting, sharing, following, viewing, or creating content. This is expressed as a percentage of users that have access to the community. |
Engaged Users (trend) | Measure | The difference between the number of engaged users within defined period, and the length of the same period starting 30 days prior. (This is a technical metric which we do not recommend using it). |
Engagement Rate (%) | Measure | The total number of engagements, divided by the total amount of engaged users, within defined period. 100% indicates that there is one engagement for every user. The higher the percentage, the more engaged your user base is. |
Follows | Measure | The number of times an item of content has been followed. |
Likes | Measure | The number of times an item of content has been liked. |
Questions Asked | Measure | The number of questions posted. |
Share Id | Attribute | The unique identifier used to differentiate a share. |
Share Target Community | Attribute | The name of the community where an item of content was shared. |
Shared To (Community/Group/User) | Attribute | Where an item of content is shared. An item of content can be shared to a community, a group of users, or a selected user. Note: You can use the "Share Target Community" or "User Id"/"User Name" attributes to add more detail to the recipient of the share. |
Shares | Measure | Number of times an item of content has been shared. |
Sharing User Id | Attribute | The unique identifier of the user who is sharing the item of content. |
Sharing User Name | Attribute | The name of the user sharing the item of content. |
Total Engagement | Measure | The total number of likes, comments, follows, shares, and questions asked in a community by a user. |
Users Engaged with Content | Measure | The number of users that engage with content by commenting, sharing, following, viewing or creating content. |
What Was Shared | Attribute | The item that was shared. The following items can be shared: