Content folder

Content folder

The following measures and attributes are found in the Content folder in the Data Catalogue

Content IdAttributeThe unique identifier for an item of content.
Content TitleAttributeThe title for an item of content.
Content TypeAttributeThe content type. The following content types are available: Captured Video, Article, External Link, Question, SCORM Course, Uploaded File, and Video.

It is not possible to split "Uploaded File" into specific file types.
Deadline StatusAttributeA user's deadline status for a learning plan. If the field is populated, the deadline has been missed. If the field is empty, the learning plan is still in progress.
SCORM Course DurationMeasureThe total amount of time spent on a SCORM course. This metric is only available for SCORM courses.
Learning Plan Expiry StatusAttributeThe expiry status of a learning plan: - If marked as "0", the learning plan has not expired. - If marked as "1", the learning plan has expired and the user must take it again.

Currently, we are advise customer's not to use the learning plan expiry dates functionality.
User's Learning Plan ProgressMeasureA user's progress score for a learning plan, as a percentage.

Adding items of content to a learning plan after the learning plan has been completed by the user, causes the user's progress score to decrease below 100%.
User's SCORM ScoreMeasureA user's score for a SCORM course. This metric is only available for SCORM courses.
Users' Learning StatusAttributeThe overall status of a learning plan or SCORM course. For learning plans, the following statuses are available: Not Started, In Progress, and Completed. For SCORM courses, the following statuses are available: In Progress and Completed.

The "Not Started" status is not available for SCORM courses.
Total ContentMeasureThe number of content items that exist in the Fuse instance.