Topic folder

Topic folder

The following measures and attributes are found in the Topic folder in the Data Catalogue

Number of Users in Progress in TopicMeasureThe total number of users who have made progress towards completing a topic in or before the specified time period, but have not yet completed it.
Average Topic CompletenessMeasure

This metric tracks the user’s progression across all versions of the specified topic, and takes into account items included in all previous versions. If items from previous versions of the topic have not been viewed by the user (even if those items are no longer present in the most recent version of the topic) the user is considered incomplete. For example, an item of content might be removed from the topic on 20th April, and a user is assigned to the topic on 23rd April. The user then completes the topic in Fuse, however, the Average Topic Completeness metric will still show the user as being incomplete because they have not completed the removed items of content. 

To see a user's live and up-to-date progress for each topic inside a learning plan: 

  1. On the user's profile page, click the Courses tab. 
  2. From the Courses dropdown, select Incomplete
  3. Click on a learning plan in the list.
    The user's progress for each topic in the learning plan is displayed.
CompletenessMeasureThe user's progress score for the topic.
Topic AudienceMeasureThe topic's audience. A topic's audience consists of the current members of the community in which the topic was created.
Topic CommunityAttributeThe name of the community in which the topic was created.
Topic Community CompanyAttributeThe name of the Fuse instance in which the topic exists.
Number of Topic CompletionsMeasure

The total number of users that have completed the topic (viewed all items of content within the topic).

Unlike learning plans, if new content is added to a topic after a user has completed it, the topic completion is no longer reported.

Topic Active UsersMeasureThe number of users that have engaged with content inside a topic.
Topic has AssessmentAttributeWhether or not an assessment has been created inside this topic.
Topic IdAttribute

The unique identifier for the topic.

Topic TitleAttributeThe title of the topic.
Total TopicsMeasureThe number of topics that exist in the Fuse instance.

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