One-to-ones folder

One-to-ones folder

The following measures and attributes are found in the One-to-ones folder in the Data Catalogue

Number of Completed One-to-one SessionsMeasureThe number of one-to-one sessions that have been completed.

For a one-to-one to be marked as complete, all tasks and objectives in the one-to-one must be completed.
Number of Users Taking Part in One-to-onesMeasureThe number of users that have taken part in a one-to-one session with their manager.
Number of CommitmentsMeasureThe number of commitments that have been attached to a one-to-one session.
Number of One-to-one SessionsMeasureThe total number of one-to-one sessions created in the Fuse instance. If a user and a manager have 2 sessions, both sessions count towards this metric.
Number of One-to-one Sessions in ProgressMeasureThe number of one-to-one sessions that are still in progress.
Number of Commitments CompletedMeasureThe number of commitments that have been completed.
Number of Users Not Participating in One-to-onesMeasureThe number of users that have not taken part in one-to-one sessions, even if they have been assigned a manager on the Fuse platform.
Number of Commitments In ProgressMeasureThe number of one-to-one commitments that have not been completed and are therefore still in progress.
Number of Users Participating in One-to-ones %MeasureThe number of users that have taken part in a one-to-one session, expressed as a percentage of the users that have been assigned a manager.
Number of Managers Observing All Their Reportees %MeasureThe number of managers who have taken part in one-to-ones with all their reportees.
Number of Users Not Assigned to a Manager %MeasureThe number of users that have not been assigned a manager. This metric is helpful to understand how many users cannot take part in one-to-ones.

A user must have a manager to be observed via an observational assessment.
Number of Completed One-to-One Sessions %Measure

The number of completed One-to-one sessions as a percentage of all existing one-to-one sessions.

For a one-to-one session to be marked as complete, all tasks and goals in the One-to-one session must be completed.

Number of Users Not Taking Part in One-to-one SessionsMeasureThe number of users that have not taken part in a one-to-one session, as a percentage of the users assigned a manager in Fuse.
Managers Taking Part in One-to-one Sessions With All Their ReporteesMeasureThe number of one-to-one sessions, in which 80-100% of the goals have been completed.
Goal IdAttribute

The unique identifier of the goal set for in the one-to-one.

Goal NameAttributeThe name of the goal that has been set in the one-to-one.
Goal StatusAttribute

The status of the goal in the one-to-one. The following statuses are available:

  • Completed: All commitments linked to the goal have been completed.
  • In progress: All commitments linked to the goal have not been completed.
  • No tasks specified: No commitments have been created.

    As completion is measured at commitment level, a goal cannot be marked as complete, if no commitments have been added to it.
Session DurationMeasureThe number of days it took for the one-to-one to be completed. If a session is not completed "0" is displayed.
One-to-one Session IdAttributeThe unique identifier for the one-to-one session.
One-to-one session statusAttributeThe status of the one-to-one session. A one-to-one session can be "Completed", or "In progress".

If there are no commitments are associated with the goals in the one-to-one, the session cannot be completed and the "No Tasks Specified" status is displayed.

The "incomplete" status shouldn't be used and will disappear as soon as the goal and commitments are included an insight.
One-to-one Sessions EndedMeasure

The unique identifier for a commitment associated with a one-to-one goal.

Commitment IdAttributeThe unique identifier for a commitment associated with a one-to-one goal.
Commitment NameAttributeThe title of the commitments that have been set as part of a one-to-one goal.
Commitment StatusAttributeThe status of a commitment associated with a one-to-one goal. A commitment can either be "Completed" or "In progress".

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