Overview Manager Info folder

Overview Manager Info folder

The following measures and attributes are found in the Overview Manager folder in the Data Catalogue

Manager Custom Fields 1-20Attribute

These are custom profile fields in a manager's profile (displayed as "Custom Attribute"). If custom fields have been added to Universal Analytics, the name of those custom fields will be displayed. If these fields are not added, you will see Custom Attribute 01, Custom Attribute 02, Custom Attribute 03 and so on.

A maximum of 20 custom profile fields can be added to Universal Analytics.

These are the profile fields for a user's current manager.
Manager IdAttributeUser ID for a manager.
Manager is a Fuse EmployeeAttributeWhether or not the user is a Fuse employee. This can be helpful to if you want to exclude Fuse employees from your analysis.
Manager NameAttributeThe name of a manager.
Manager User StatusAttribute

The user status of a manager.

A user's account can be:

  • Active: The Fuse admin has activated the user's account by selecting the Active toggle in the Manage Users screen. This means the user can access their account regardless of whether they actually choose to log in or not.
  • Deactivated: The Fuse admin has deactivated the user's account by deselecting the Active toggle in the Manage Users screen. This means the user can no longer access their account on the Fuse instance.