This is a continuously updating and filterable feed of the live feed showing all the content that has been posted to the your platform that you have permission to see, such as content from communities that you belong to.
From here you can see the details of each item of content, including the content type, title, description, when it was posted, and social information, such as how many times it has been liked, commented on, and shared.
You can:
View an item of content by clicking the View button:
Like an item of content by clicking the Like button:
Leave a message or feedback or start a conversation underneath an item of content by clicking the Add a comment button:
Share an item of content by clicking the Share content button and then selecting a community or user to share it with, or copying the link to the content:
Save an item of content by clicking the Save button on the card and it is added to your list of Saved items in the Saved screen, so that you can access it quickly and easily.