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This page refers to the navigation in Fuse4. Fuse4 is currently in Beta and is continuously being added to and updated. If you are using the legacy version of the platform, please refer to Navigation bar.

Depending on your user type and permissions as well as how your platform is configured, the navigation in Fuse4 gives you easy access to key functionality and features in the platform.

You can quickly and easily access:

  • The content creation tools

  • Learning plans you’ve been assigned

  • Events you are attending

  • Content you have posted

  • Communities you belong to

  • Your history, including items you’ve previously viewed

  • Adjust your profile and personal settings.

  • Access the site admin features if you are a site admin.


This page refers to the navigation in Fuse4 which is continuously being added to and updated. If you are still using the legacy version of the platform, please refer to Navigation bar.

You may see all of the features mentioned below on the navigation or only some of them, depending on how your platform was set up and your user type. For example, if you are an ordinary user without any site admin permissions, the Admin permission won’t be present.


