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Assigned learning plans

These are learning plans from communities you belong to that you have been assigned but have not yet started. To start a learning plan, click the View button on the card:

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Continue where you left off

These are learning plans that you have started but not yet completed. Learning plans in this category show you the percentage that you have completed in the bottom-left corner of the card. To continue a learning plan you have started, click the View button on the card:

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These are learning plans that you have completed. Completed learning plans display a green checkmark on the card. You can go back and view a completed learning plan by clicking the View button the card.

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Events tab

In the Events tab, you can view the Events you have access to. You’ll see the title and description, the location, date and time, and if there are any remaining spaced (if applicable), and if you are due to attend an upcoming event, it is labelled as Attending.




Next event

These are upcoming events that you have access to, that are taking place in communities you belong to.

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Events you are attending

These are upcoming events that you have sign signed up to attend or have been added to by someone else, such as an event admin, and are due to attend.

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My content tab

You can view In the Content tab, you can see the items of content you have posted to the platform. You’ll You will see the title and description of each item as as well as the content type, the number of likes it has received, the number of comments posted underneath, and the number of times it has been shared.


If you are a member of a community, it appears in the Communities you’re a member of category and has a You’re a member icon label on the cardit:
