Items of content from your chosen external provider, such as an LMS or content provider, are shown in your Fuse platform as external links that, native content objects, which when clicked, take you to the original source content in the external provider’s platform, where they can view and complete it.
Provider | Description |
A cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that helps businesses and educational institutions create, manage, and deliver online courses. | |
LinkedIn’s learning platform, offering video courses to help users develop their skills, covering a wide range of topics, including business, technology, and creative skills. | |
Udemy for Business is an online learning platform that provides organisations with access to a library of thousands of online courses crafted, created and led by industry experts, covering various topics such as business, technology, leadership, and personal development. | |
Go1 is a web-based learning platform that provides online courses for businesses. It helps organisations train their employees and customers to develop skills, meet compliance requirements, and engage their workforce. | |
SAP SuccessFactors is a cloud-based human capital learning management system (HCMLMS) software suite that helps organisations manage their workforce. It includes applications for core HR, talent management, payroll,that provides employees with job-related training and learning opportunities. | |
Workday Learning is a learning management system (LMS) that provides employees with job-related training and learning opportunities. |