Content homepage
The content homepage allows you to perform various actions on an item of content, such as liking the content, sharing it with one or more users or communities, commenting, and editing the content (if you are the content owner or an admin).
Content actions
The following are available on the content homepage:
Option | Description |
Like | Click to like the item of content. To unlike the item of content, click the Like icon again. The number of likes is displayed on the right-hand side of the icon. |
Share | Click to share the content with one or more communities or users. The number of times the content has been shared is displayed on the right-hand side. To share the content:
Favourite | Click to add the item of content to your Favourites list. |
Ellipsis | Reveals a menu with further options. The options available are dependent on your role and permissions. Depending on your role and associated permissions, the following options may be present:
You can only edit and delete content if you are the content owner or the community/site admin. For information on how to edit content you have posted to Fuse, see Editing content.
The following tabs are available on the content homepage:
Tab | Description |
Comments | Allows you to:
Views | See a list of users who have viewed the content, including the total number of times each user viewed the content. |
Engagements | See a list of users who have engaged with the item of content, the date of the engagement, and the type of engagement. |
History | Displays the edit history for an item of content, including the date and time the edit was made and the user who made the edit. The edit history displayed in the History tab differs depending on the content type:
Signatures | Shows a list of users who have provided a digital signature after viewing the content. Some items of content require users to provide a digital signature, to confirm they have viewed the content. |