Adding a survey to a topic
The Survey tab allows you to attach an existing survey to the topic, as well as edit, copy, archive, and delete a survey, as well as manage access settings. When a user completes the topic, the survey will become available.
The following settings are available for an unpublished survey:
Setting | Description |
Edit | Click to edit the survey details such as name, description, and questions. For information on how to create a survey, see Creating a survey. |
Make copy | Make a copy of the survey. To make a copy of the survey:
Click Show draft (#) to view draft surveys. |
Archive | Archive a survey that is not currently in use. Click to add the survey to the archived surveys list. |
Access | Edit permissions settings for the survey. |
Delete | Delete the draft survey. To delete a draft survey:
Publish | Click to publish the survey if it has not yet been published. |
The following settings are available for a published survey:
Setting | Description |
Share survey | Share the survey with one or more users in the community.
Copy to clipboard | Copy the link to the survey. You might copy the link to the survey and paste it in an email or Fuse post. |
Report | Generate a report containing user participation information. For more information on creating reports, see Creating a report for a survey. |
Make copy | Make a copy of the survey. To make a copy of the survey:
Archive | Archive a survey that is not currently in use. Click to add the survey to the archived surveys list. |
Access | Edit permissions settings for the survey. |
Activate the survey toggle | Toggle to the right to activate the survey. |
The following settings are available for an archived survey:
Setting | Description |
Report | Click to create a report for the survey. |
Make copy | Make a copy of the survey. To make a copy of the survey:
Delete | Delete the draft survey. To delete a draft survey:
Unarchive | Click to unarchive an archived survey. |