The Leaderboard

The Leaderboard

The Leaderboard screen displays a list of users ranked by the number of points they have been awarded in Fuse. Users receive points by carrying out actions in Fuse, such as posting and engaging with content. By default, 1 point is awarded per action, however, point allocation can be adjusted for each action by the admin on the Leaderboard (Admin) screen in the Admin Panel

Accessing the leaderboard

To access the Leaderboard screen: 

  1. Expand the sidebar.
    The sidebar appears. 

  2. Click Leaderboard.

    The Leaderboard screen appears.  

Filter options

The filter options above the leaderboard help narrow down the list of users. The By community and All users sections each contain different filter options.   

If you are an admin, you will have access to both the By community and All user filter options, as shown below:

If you are an ordinary Fuse, you will only have access to the By community filter options, as shown below: 

By community

The By community section allows you to filter the list of users by community, search for a specific member of the selected community, and filter the list to show instance-wide rankings for users in the selected community from the previous 7 days or 21 days. 

Points displayed are generated from across the Fuse instance and are not specific to the selected community.

The By community section contains the following:






Allows you to search for a specific member of the selected community. This is incredibly useful if there is a long list of community members. 

To search for a community member: 
In the User field, start typing the name of a community member.

The leaderboard narrows down to display a list of matching community members.


The Community field allows you to filter the leaderboard, so that only users from a specific community are displayed on the leaderboard. 

Points displayed are generated from across the Fuse instance and are not specific to the selected community.

You can only select a community that you are a member/admin of. 

To filter the list by community: 

  1. Click the dropdown arrow to the right of the Community field.

    A search bar appears. 

  2. In the search bar, enter the name of the community and a list of suggested communities appears. 

  3. Select the correct community. 

    The leaderboard is filtered to only display users belonging to the selected community. 

Display previous

Allows you to filter the leaderboard, so that you can see instance-wide rankings for users in the selected community, from the previous 7 days or 21 days. 

All users

The All users section allows you to view the rankings of all users from across the Fuse instance, search for a specific user, and filter the list to show instance-wide rankings from the previous 7 days or 21 days. 

The All users section contains the following: 






Allows you to search for a specific user. This is incredibly useful if there are many users in the Fuse instance.

To search for a user: 

In the User field, start typing the name of a user.

The leaderboard narrows down to display a list of matching users.

Display previous

Allows you to filter the leaderboard, so that you can see instance-wide rankings for all users in the Fuse instance, from the previous 7 days or 21 days.

Header labels

Header labels appear at the top of each column on leaderboard. These columns break down the points users have accumulated into different categories.  

The following header labels appear at the top of the leaderboard, some of which can be customised: 






The name of the user. For example John Smith


Shows points the user has gained from using the platform.


Shows points the user has gained by adding content and engaging with it. 


Shows points the user has gained by posting content/uploading files to Fuse and engaging with other users. 


The total number of points the user has gained across the Learner, Expert, and Collaborator categories combined. 

Leaderboard widget

Admins can add a scaled down version of the leaderboard to other screens in Fuse, by configuring the Leaderboard widget in Design Studio

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