Create user (v4.4 below)

Create user (v4.4 below)


Please read this page before using this guide

Create new user with an HTTP POST request.

Resource URL:



Request header parameters

Authorisation is required.

Request parameters

The mandatory parameters required to create a new user are: username, password and password_confirmation.

  • Mandatory parameters as well as all the optional parameters are described in the User profile fields guide.

  • Editing the Settings section Default Locale and changing the language code for any required language, sets the default language of the newly created user. (Example can be seen in Request #2).

Use the request examples on this page as a reference.

The request examples do not include all possible parameters.


The response for this API endpoint contains the user registration that was created. Security-sensitive fields may not be returned in the response.

Example request #1

Create a single user with only mandatory parameters.

Request URL example


Request body

{ "users": [ { "username": "testuser", "email": "example@email.com", "password": "Password1234!", "password_confirmation": "Password1234!", "accessibility_theme": "theme_v1" } ] }

Example request #2

A detailed user creation.

Request URL example


Request body

{ "users": [ { "username": "{{username}}", "password_confirmation": "Password1234!", "password": "Password1234!", "email": "{{email}}", "accessibility_theme": "theme_v1", "manager_ids": "{{fuseid of manager}}", "profile": { "First Name": "{{first Name}}", "Last Name": "{{last Name}}", "Department": "{{department}}", "Postition": {{position}}, "Manager Name": {{manager Name}}, "Functional Role": "{{Role}}", "Employee ID": {{ID}}, "Start Date": "{{YYYY-MM-DD}}", "Tenure": {{Tenure}}, "Is Manager?": {{Yes}} }, "settings": { "default_locale": "en-UK", "time_zone": "(GMT+00:00) London" } } ] }