Common filters

Common filters

Some filters exist in multiple different tabs on the Universal Analytics dashboard.


The SHOW ACTIVITY OF filter is present in the OverviewConsumptionEngagementAssessmentsSurveysOne-to-OnesObservations, and Engaged Users Overview tabs. 

The following common filters exist:






Allows you to filter insights, data and reports so that they only contain information from a specific date range. 

The DATE filter is disabled for the Coached Users Overs Time bar chart, in the One-to-Ones tab. This chart is fixed to show data from the past 6 months.

The DATE filter is disabled for the Observed Users (Last Six Months) bar chart, in the Observations tab. This chart is fixed to show data from the past 6 months.

In the One-to-Ones and Observations, and Assessments tab tabs you can filter by:

  • Selecting a specific week. For example, you might want to see one-to-one data from the week of 14th - 20th September.

  • Specifying a custom date range, by selecting dates in the From and To fields.


Allows you to filter insights, data and reports so that they only contain information from a specific time period. 

The TIME PERIOD filter works differently, depending on the tab you are viewing: 

In the Overview tab, you can filter by:

  • Selecting a specific month. For example, if you only want to see data from August 2020, use the arrows to navigate to the correct year and select Aug.

  • Selecting dates in the From and To fields. For example, you might want to see data from across several weeks, months or years. 

In the ConsumptionEngagementEvents, and Engaged Users Overview tabs, you can filter by:

  • Selecting a specific week (7 day period). For example, you might want to see data from the week of 14th September - 20th September 2020

  • Selecting dates in the From and To fields. For example, you might want to see data from across several weeks, months or years.


Allows you to include/exclude data related to active and deactivated users, in the following tabs: 

If a particular user status is selected, all users with that status will be included in insights and data in each tab, as well as in reports downloaded from the tab. 

The following checkboxes can be selected/deselected:

  • Active: The Fuse site admin has activated the user's account by selecting the Active toggle in the Manage Users screen. This means the user can access their account regardless of whether they actually choose to log in or not. 

  • Deactivated: The Fuse site admin has deactivated the user's account by deselecting the Active toggle in the Manage Users screen. This means the user can no longer access their account on the Fuse instance. Users are typically deactivated by the Fuse site admin after leaving an organisation.


Allows you to include/exclude data related to specific communities, in the following tabs: 

  • Consumption tab:  Filter insights, data, and reports related to content consumption, so that they only contain information related to specific communities. 

  • Engagement tab: Filter insights, data, and reports related to content engagement (when content is liked, shared, commented on or followed) so that they only contain information related to specific communities. 

  • Learning tab:  Filter insights, data, and reports related to learning plans, topics and SCORM courses, so that they only contain data related to specific communities. 

  • Events tab: Filter insights, data, and reports related to events, so that they only contain information related to specific communities. 

  • Engaged Users Overview tab: Filter insights, data and reports related to engaged users in the Fuse instance, so that they only contain information related to specific communities. 

If a particular community is selected, data related to that community will be included in insights and data in each tab, as well as in reports. 


Allows you to include/exclude the activity of different user types that exist in Fuse, in the following tabs:

If a specific user type is selected, all users of that type will be included in insights and data in each tab, as well as in reports.

The following checkboxes can be selected/deselected:

  • Administrator: A Fuse site administrator with access to the administrative features in the Admin Panel

  • OtherThis checkbox refers to the Group Owner or Site Analyser user types.

  • Regular User: Ordinary Fuse users with no access to administrative features, as well as ordinary users who are part of an admin group



Include/exclude all topics that exist within a specific community, in the following tabs: 

  • Learning tab: Filter data, insights and reports related to learning plans, so that they only contain data related to topics created in specific communities. 

  • Assessments tab: Filter data, insights and reports related to formal assessments, so that they only contain data related to topics created in specific communities. 

 If a particular community is selected, the data for all topics created in that community will be included in insights and data in each tab, as well as in reports.


Include/exclude data related to specific topics from across the Fuse instance, in the following tabs:

  If a specific topic is selected, the data for that topic will be included in insights and data in each tab, as well as in reports.

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