SCORM Courses section

SCORM Courses section

The SCORM Courses section in the Learning tab, shows data and insights related to SCORM courses in the Fuse instance. A Sharable Content Object Model (SCORM) is an industry-recognised standard used to create and structure online training material. It is possible to upload a ZIP file containing an existing SCORM course to Fuse, so that users can take it. For information on SCORM courses, see SCORM courses.

The following data is included in the SCORM Courses section: 

  • A list of SCORM courses your users have engaged with the most (Engagements include views, likes, comments, and shares). 

  • A list of SCORM courses with the highest number of completions. 

The following insights are shown:





Total SCORM Courses

The total number of SCORM courses in the Fuse instance, based on the filters selected in the Filter By section. In the example below, there are a total of 399 SCORM courses in the Fuse instance. 

Most Engaged

A list of SCORM courses that users have engaged with the most (by viewing, liking, commenting, and sharing). The SCORM course with the highest number of engagements appears at the top of the list. The SCORM courses displayed in the list are dependant on the filters selected in the Filter By section.

The following information is shown for each SCORM course:

  • Learning Plan Title: The title of the SCORM course. 

  • Total Engagement: The total number of engagements. This is the number of times users have liked, shared, commented on, and followed the SCORM course, added together. 

  • Users Engaged: The total number of users who have engaged with the content (by liking, sharing, commenting, and following).

Most Completed

A list of SCORM courses with the highest number of completions. The SCORM course with the highest number of completions appears at the top of the list. The SCORM courses displayed in the list are dependant on the filters selected in the Filter By section.

The following information is shown for each SCORM course:

  • Learning Plan title: The title of the SCORM course.

  • Total Completions: The total number of completions for that SCORM course. 

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