Workday Learning
As part of the implementation of your Workday Learning connector, Fuse requires you to retrieve some credentials from Workday Learning, including your Workday Tennant, Web Services endpoint, and to create and then add an integration systems user to security group. Once you have done this, the implementation team will ask you for these in order to progress with the implementation of your connector.
Finding your Workday tenant
Log in to your Workday account.
In the address bar at the top of the browser window where the URL is displayed, you will be able to find your tenant, located immediately after
Finding the Web Services endpoint
In Workday Learning, in the search bar, search for “public web services” and select the Public Web Services report.
Hover over Learning and in the menu, go to Web Service. Then click on View WSDL.
Search for
in the file or navigate directly to the very bottom of the screen:Copy everything before
in the location attribute. In the example tenant above, this would
but it may differ for your tenant. For example,
. Copy and paste the company ID somewhere safe, as Fuse will ask for this later in order to progress with your connector implementation.
Setting up an integration system user
Log in to your Workday tenant in the Workday portal, and in the Search field, search for “Create Integration System User”.
Select the Create Integration System User task.
In the Account Information section on the Create Integration System User screen, enter a username and password.
Click OK
Adding the integration system user to a security group
Log in to your Workday tenant in the Workday portal, and in the search field, search for Create Security Group and select the Create Security Group task.
On the Create Security Group screen, from the Type of Tenanted Security Group menu, select Integration System Security Group.
In the Name field, enter a name.
Click OK.
Configure domain security policy permissions
Edit the Domain Security Policy Permissions in the Security Group.
Add the GET and PUT/Get Only operations for the following required permissions for the Learning Core as per the table below:
For integrating with the Learning Core of Workday
Set Up: Learning Catalog
Reports: Learning Record
Manage: Learning Content
The permissions should look as follows:
Approve the security policy changes
In the search bar, search for “Activate Pending Security Policy Changes”. Review the policies that need approval in the summary of the changes in the security policy. Approve the pending security policy changes to activate them.
Configure business processes
In the search bar, search for “bp: Manage Course”, and then click on the matching search result.
Navigate to Edit Business Process Policy and next to Business Process Definition Manage Course, click the menu and select Business Process Policy > Edit.
Edit Business Process Policy - In the Security Groups field underneath the Manage Learning Course (Web Service) section, add the user.