LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

Note: These steps are related to our LinkedIn Learning smart connector. If you are using our legacy LinkedIn Learning search connector, see LinkedIn Learning search connector.

As part of the implementation of your LinkedIn Learning connector, Fuse requires you to retrieve some credentials from LinkedIn Learning, including creating an application and retrieving your client ID and secret. Once you have done this, the implementation team will ask you for these in order to progress with the implementation of your connector.

Creating an application

  1. Log in to LinkedIn Learning.

  2. In the top-right corner, hover over Me, and from the menu, select Integrate.

  3. On the left-hand menu, click Access content and reports via API, and then expand the Generate LinkedIn Learning REST API Application section.

  4. Click Add application and complete the form explaining how the integration will be used.

  5. Select the Content for the Choose keys option.

  6. Click Next.

    Once you have saved the application, you will be able to copy and paste the Client ID and Client secret. Copy and paste the Client ID and Client secret and store them somewhere safe, as Fuse will ask for these later in order to progress with your connector implementation.