

As part of the implementation of your TalentLMS connector, Fuse requires you to retrieve some credentials from TalentLMS, including your TalentLMS domain and API key. Once you have done this, the implementation team will ask you for these in order to progress with the implementation of your connector.

Finding your TalentLMS domain

  1. Log in to your TalentLMS account and your domain is visible in the URL. For example, if the URL is https://samplesandbox.talentlms.com/dashboard, the domain will be samplesandbox.


Locating your API key

  1. Navigate to Account Settings in to your TalentLMS dashboard.


  3. Scroll down to the SECURITY section and select the Enable API checkbox.

  4. Copy your displayed API key and store it somewhere safe, as Fuse will ask for this later in order to progress with your connector implementation.