Event Occurrence folder

Event Occurrence folder

The following measures and attributes are found in the Event Occurrence folder in the Data Catalogue

Event Occurrence DurationMeasureThe duration of an event occurrence (measured in days).
Number of Run Event OccurrencesMeasureThe number of event occurrences which have taken place.
Number of Event OccurrencesMeasureThe number of event occurrences which have taken place, as well as those scheduled to take place in the future.
Event Occurence CostMeasureThe total cost needed to run the event occurrence.
Event Occurrence Subscription (%)MeasureApplied users divided by total seats. This only applies to records with null value of total seats.
Event Occurrence Total CostMeasureThe total cost incurred from users not attending an event.
LocationAttributeThe location of an event occurrence.
Occurence IdAttribute

The unique identifier of the event occurrence.

Occurrence NameAttribute The name of the event occurrence.
Over/UndersubscriptionMeasureThe number of empty/unoccupied seats at an event occurrence.
Event Occurrence PriceMeasureThe cost of the event occurrence (specified as the price for the entire occurrence).
Event StatusAttribute

Status of the event. The following statuses are available:

  • Run: The event has taken place.
  • Scheduled: The event is scheduled to take place in the future.
Number of Event Occurrence SeatsMeasureThe total number of seats available at the event occurrence.