Events folder
Events folder
The following measures and attributes are found in the Events folder in the Data Catalogue:
Name | Type | Definition |
Event Id | Attribute | The unique identifier for the event. Events are displayed in the Analyzer tool as titles, not IDs. |
Event Name | Attribute | The title of the event. |
Number of Scheduled Events | Measure | The total number of event occurrences scheduled to take place. |
Event Price per Seat | Measure | The average price per seat at events. |
Event Subscription % | Measure | The total number of users that applied to attend events, divided by the total number of available seats at events. |
Total Event Price | Measure | The total price for an event. |
Number of Event Seats | Measure | The total number of seats available at an event. |
Learning Needed | Attribute | Whether or not users are required to complete any prerequisite learning before attending the event. |
Total Events | Measure | The number of events organised in the Fuse instance. |