Observational Assessments folder

Observational Assessments folder

The following measures and attributes are found in the Observational Assessments folder in the Data Catalogue

Number of Users Not ObservedMeasureThe number of users that have not been observed via an observational assessment, out of the total number of users assigned a manager.

A user must have a manager to be observed via an observational assessment.
Number of Observational Assessment SessionsMeasure

The number of observational assessment sessions that have been started.

Note: A user must have a manager to be observed via an observational assessment.

Number of Observed UsersMeasureThe number of users that have been observed via an observational assessment.

Note: A user must have a manager to be observed via an observational assessment.
Number of Managers Observing All Their Reportees %MeasureThe number of managers that observed all the reportees in their team via observational assessments, as a percentage of managers registered on the Fuse instance.
Number of Users Not Observed %MeasureThe total number of users that have not been observed via an observational assessment, as a percentage of users that have been assigned a manager.
Number of Users Observed %MeasureThe total number of users that have been observed via an observational assessment, as a percentage of users that have been assigned a manager.
Avg Scale Answer (Observation)MeasureThe average score given to a question in an observational assessment, if a scale question has been selected.
Managers Observing All Their ReporteesMeasureThe number of managers that have observed their entire team via observational assessments.
OA Answer TextAttributeThe answer field (text field) for a question in the observational assessment.
OA Question Answer TypeAttribute

The type of answer that can be provided for the question in an observational assessment.

Depending on the question, a user can:

  • Select multiple correct answers
  • Select a single correct answer
  • Enter a free text answer
  • Select a number on a scale from 1-5 or 1-10.
OA Question IdAttribute

The unique identifier for the question in the observational assessment.

OA SectionAttribute The title of the section in an observational assessment.
OA Session IdAttributeThe unique identifier for the observational assessment session. An observational assessment is created as a template. The template can then be reused for multiple different users or the same users.
OA Session StatusAttributeThe status of the observational assessment session. The status indicates whether a session is ongoing (has started) or is finished (all questions are answered). You can use the end date type to visualise when the session was completed, whereas start date refers to when the session started
OA StatusAttribute

The availability status of an observational assessment in the Fuse instance.

An observational assessment can be:

  • Archived
  • Drafted
  • Published
OA TitleAttributeThe title of the observational assessment.
OA Users Given AnswerMeasureThe number of users that answered a question in the observational assessment. This metric is useful when analysing particular questions within an observational assessment or understanding drop off rates.
Observational Assessment IdAttributeThe unique identifier for the observational assessment.
OA Scale Answer ValueMeasureThe answer selected by the user for a Scale question type, in an observational assessment.
Users Observed at Least OnceMeasureThe number of users that have been observed via an observational assessment at least once.
Users Observed at Least TwiceMeasureThe number of users that have been observed via an observational assessment at least twice.
Selected Answer in Observation AssessmentAttribute The answer selected by the user in multiple choice questions, in an observational assessment.
Number of Times Answer is Chosen in the Observational AssessmentMeasureThe number of times an answer for a particular multiple choice question in the observational assessment was chosen by the user.

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