Survey folder
Survey folder
The following measures and attributes are found in the Survey folder in the Data Catalogue:
Name | Type | Definition |
Number of Published Surveys | Measure | The number of surveys that have been published. A survey can only be taken once it has been published. |
Number of Users Completed Survey | Measure | The number of users that have started and completed a survey. |
Number of Users Not Started Survey | Measure | The number of users that have received a share for a survey but have not yet completed the survey. |
Number Users Started Survey | Measure | The Number of Users That Have Started a Survey. |
Number of Users Completed Survey % | Measure | The number of users that have completed a survey, out of the total number of users it has been shared with, expressed as a percentage. |
Number of Users Not Started Survey % | Measure | The number of users that have not started a survey, out of the total number of users it has been shared with, expressed as a percentage. |
Number of Users Started Survey % | Measure | The number of users that have started a survey, out of the total number of users it has been shared with, expressed as a percentage. |
Completed Surveys | Measure | The total number of completed surveys. |
Peak Hour by Survey Completion | Measure | The peak hour in which surveys are completed (This is an hour of day aggregated across all days). |
Scale Answer (Survey) | Measure | The number (from 1-5 or 1-10) selected by the user, for the scale question type in a survey. |
Survey Answer Text | Attribute | The free text answer given by a user, to a question in a survey. |
Survey Audience | Measure | The specified users required to complete the survey. |
Number of Users Completing Surveys | Measure | A technical metric used to create the heatmap visualisation. |
Survey Id | Attribute | The unique identifier for a survey. |
Survey Question Answer Type | Attribute | The type of answer selected for a question in a survey.
Survey Question Id | Attribute | The unique identifier for a question that is part of a survey. |
Survey Response Rate | Measure | The response rate for a survey. This is the number of users that have completed the survey, as a percentage of all users it has been shared with. |
Survey Section | Attribute | The title of a section in the survey. |
Survey Availability Status | Attribute | The availability status of a survey in the Fuse instance.
Survey Title | Attribute | The title of a survey. |